April 6, 2023 - 7:00 p.m. EDT Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service
Due to illness in the church, we will be observing Maundy Thursday entirely online this year. Bring your dinners and join us on Zoom at 6:30 p.m. this Thursday, April 6 for a time of visiting, followed by the streaming of the beautiful Tenebrae service with communion, which Armenian Presbyterian Church in Paramus, NJ will hold at 7 p.m.
Let us join together in remembering this important moment in the life of Christ, Our faithful savior.
Click here to view the Order of Worship.
It is generally easier to use Zoom on your computer, rather than your phone, if possible.
TO JOIN THE ZOOM WORSHIP SERVICE on your computer or Smartphone, click the following link, which will be “live” at 10:50 a.m.
Meeting ID: 817 8247 8447
To join using your land line, dial: 929 205 6099 US then, when prompted, enter the Meeting ID: 817 8247 8447 followed by #.
Zoom Security — Zoom requires additional security measures to avoid problems with unwanted guests. Everyone who logs into the Zoom worship link will be sent to the “Waiting Room”. The host will admit participants.
- If you haven’t used Zoom before, you will be prompted to install the program when you click the meeting link above. This process is quick and easy.
- If you would like to install the program ahead of time, you can download it here: https://zoom.us/download
Meeting ID: 817 8247 8447. - Join the service early any time after 10:50 a.m. to be sure you can get on.
- If you need help, call 610-359-1625.